“I chose ASU because the professors want to see you succeed and are willing to help you no matter what!”
Catherine Guerra, Class of 2022
“It is great to be a part of a family with fellow students who actually care about you all over the world.”
John Delk, Class of 1996
“I chose ASU because they make it easier to be a single mother working a full-time job.”
Ashley DeLuna Corbett, Class of 2022
“The professors and staff know me by name and believe in me; something I wouldn’t get at another university.”
Emily Richardson, Class of 2026
“The professors truly care for the students and want to see them succeed. They are willing to help in any capacity.”
Giovanna “Gigi” Scott, 2021届毕业生
“The faculty at ASU knew my worth before I saw it in myself. They helped pave a way for me.”
Thalia Hernandez, Class of 2020
“Angelo State University offered a rigorous curriculum that I felt would prepare me well for my future career path.”
Caleb Vosburg, Physician, Class of 1998 and 2001
“I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I began my master’s degree at ASU, 但这些课程和教授们让我准备好迎接更大的挑战.”
Lydia Nixon, English M.A. Program
“I recommend ASU to parents of students who are looking at universities and co-workers who are considering going back to school. 它是负担得起的,程序可以量身定制,以满足个人需求.”
Tracie Watkins, ASU女校友, 首席执行官, Shannon Rehabilitation Hospital, San Angelo
“Angelo State is a great school for any program that you are going into. 做好吃苦的准备,但最终一切都会有回报的.”
Dominique Henry, Classes of 2019 and 2020, 管理
“Through the help of the Angelo State staff and faculty, I landed in a field that I never knew I would love. ASU’s faculty and staff got me to where I am today.”
Brit Raley, Class of 2019
“I chose ASU because no other university local to me could provide this type of program.”
Julia Collins, B.A.A.S. with Adult Education Specialization
“During my two years of classes with Dr. 伦道夫·希克斯,他大概收到了50多封来自我的电子邮件,请求我在我的在线课程上提供帮助. Not once did he ever complain. He made sure I understood and was successful in every class.”
Catherine Guerra, Border and 首页land Security, Class of 2022
“The English faculty at ASU are both brilliant and down to earth. 研究生课程很严格,但教授们让材料引人入胜,易于理解.”
Lydia Nixon, Class of 2020, English M.A. Program
The professors are extremely focused on helping you succeed in the professional world. 我在日常工作中使用了在MBA课程中学到的多种工具.”
Katherine Springer, 2021届毕业生, Master of Business 政府 Program